About Alan

alan - coach mugAlan Aragon has over 20 years of success in the fitness field. He earned his Bachelor and Master of Science in Nutrition with top honors. Alan is a continuing education provider for the Commission on Dietetic Registration and National Strength & Conditioning Association. Alan lectures at national and international conferences, and maintains a private practice designing programs for recreational, Olympic, and professional athletes, including the Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Kings, and Anaheim Mighty Ducks. Here  is a snippet of his clientele. Alan is a contributing editor and resident Weight Loss Coach of Men’s Health magazine. His book Girth Control is considered to be one of the most in-depth manuals for improving the body and understanding nutrition for fitness & sports. Alan has co-authored the most-viewed article in the history of the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (here). Last but not least, Alan writes a monthly research review providing critical analysis and practical application of the latest science on nutrition, training, and supplementation. Go here for more details about Alan’s latest, ongoing project.

“Alan Aragon is one of the brightest, kindest individuals I’ve ever met. He’s a pleasure to work with, and if you have ever wanted to change your body, trust him. He’ll work with you and make it happen. But be patient. He’s not a magic man, but it can happen. The key is being honest with him, and then he’ll provide the tools to make it work. Alan is my friend, a good guy, and someone with a witty sense of humor. But from a co-worker standpoint, you’ll find few people who spend more time trying to hone their craft and become better every day. And ultimately, that’s why we worked so well together. We both want to be the best at what we do, and those parallel goals led to some tremendous success.  Plus, the guy can add “bro” to any word. It’s really amazing. And he comes up with some sweet nicknames. You can call me Adam, or Born, or the MH fitness editor. But thanks to Alan, I’m also “The Swole Truth.” Not sure if that’s accurate, but it’s a name I’m happy to have.”

Adam Bornstein, Fitness Editor, Men’s Health Magazine
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